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What To Be Aware Of When Reading Food Labels

With all the different types of foods out there and a lot of them trying to fool you into believing they’re healthy, things can get pretty confusing. Whether it be giving something a fruit flavour or a nutrition claim such as “no artificial colours” (when if you look at the ingredients it has about 17 other artificial ingredients) food companies try to make you believe their highly processed food is actually good for you. Now that’s great that there are no artificial colours as that has directly been related to several different types of cancer. However, many of the other artificial preservatives and other toxic ingredients are equally as bad for you. Now I’m not hating on all packaged foods...

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Brownie Energy Bites

One of my favourite easy snacks to make when I'm craving something sweet has to be energy bites. They are great to grab and go for a quick breakfast, to snack on in between meals, pre or post workout or as a nighttime sweet snack. They are high in protein and fats so a couple of these bite sized balls will keep you satisfied. You can experiment with different add ins but the base is really the first four ingredients. Brownie Energy Bites: •1/2 cup natural peanut butter (or you can use almond butter) •1/4 cup honey •1 cup of ground oats (you don't have to grind the oats but I like the texture better) •1/2 cup of almond milk...

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Travelling With A Baby

"To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position where almost nothing seems familiar. -Bill Bryson If I were to tell you that traveling long distances with a baby is a breeze, I’d be lying. Is it worth it though? If you value seeing the world as much as I do, absolutely! Our daughter Valentina is 11 months old, and she just got back from a 16 day trip exploring Italy with my husband and I. She’s now been on 7 flights all together in her short lifetime. Our first trip was with my hubby's family when she was 7...

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Easing Back Into Exercise Postpartum

If you’re a mom, you know that some days feel like a marathon from beginning to end yet you don’t scratch a single thing off your to do list. Taking care of another human is a 24/7 job. It’s the best job in the world but the days are gone in the blink of an eye. From changing explosive poopy diapers to projectile vomit, the surprises never end! A few other time consuming tasks worth mentioning are nursing/feeding your little one and the never ending baby dishes and laundry. Even just leaving the house is twice as much work, especially when you’re going around nap schedules and feeding times. I remember my first time leaving the house with my daughter...

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